to my Princess

Dear Princess, it has been more than three months, and forever. Forever I know you'll be here in my heart, in my arms, and when time goes by I want you to know how much I love you each and every day.

You are a miracle, each and every day with you I treasure in my heart. Every beat of my heart fills more and more with your love. You are the most beautiful person in the world, inside and out. You filled that hole in my heart that has been missing for years. I love you; thank you. I hope I make you as happy as you make me.

For me., You are perfect. Things about you. The beauty inside of you is miraculous. It is beyond what nature could ever possess. You are more beautiful than anything I have every seen in my life. Just take a look in the mirror and you'll know what I am talking about.

Thanks for being there, thanks for loving me.. I love you with everything I am. No poems, no words, no letters, no gifts, nothing can ever express how much I love you, but you know how much that is.

Love always



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