I cannot write better stories like other journalists, however I always wanted to write.
I am looking out the window, I'm glad finally the rain is over, and it's so sad I can't see anymore rainbow, the sky supposed to be clear after the rain.. anyhow it doesn't really that matter. I'm sitting here, inside my beautiful room and I'm trying to find some inspiration also try to find my self.
Sunset is getting closer, und die Zeit vergangen so schnell. Today is really cold..,with my heart that never be sold.., Sometimes I think the world is on my shoulders Everyone is leaning and whining on me.
But I'm always doing it all Alone, just like a song from Celine Dion " All by myself.., Hard to be sure Sometimes I feel so insecure, And loves so distant and obscure, Remains the cure .." Eigentlich right now I don't want to talk about love, I Just wanna to share about burdens, the burdens that I held right on my shoulder..,
and..., yeah noone care !
I turned on winamp so loud, so noone can't hear me singing, a song from eminem has altered my moods and talks to me :
"..sing with me, sing for the years .., sing for the laughter, sing for the tears.., Sing it with me, just for today.., maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away... "
Fuck with my burdens, If I could write better I want to write something for my Queen, to show her how i feel about her, how proud I am that I have her, maybe She's the only girl that I adore, perhaps we'll together again before this world is over.
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